Fr. Kris

Apr 261 min

Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter ‘b’

Jn 14:1-6


We are only pilgrims, travelers in this world. Yes, we build houses, we buy homes, to feel secure to have our own comfort zone, our place on earth. But we know that this is only a temporary place. One day we will leave behind everything that we have here in this world and go to our real home - our home with the Father in Heaven. We walk through this life like pilgrims to reach our final destination. Often when I visit a sick person with holy sacraments, I hear them saying words like -- I am ready to go home, after a long life, I am ready, I am ready to rest in my eternal home. This is very comforting to know that after this life, we have something waiting for us. We have a loving Father and a wonderful home without any illnesses, wars, without sadness, tears, without any pain. We are on our way to that home. Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.”
