I remember when I was a child, around second grade, I wanted to have a pet. So finally, after promising that I will always take care of it, feed it and clean up the cage, my parents got me a guinea pig. For about a month, I was very responsible but then I got bored with the new pet and my parents ended up feeding it and cleaning the cage. So, they decided to give it to my older cousin who already had one and was very responsible for taking care of it, so he ended up with two pets. I was very angry and disappointed, but I paid for my irresponsibility. Today Jesus tells us that He entrusted to us His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, but he also warns us that if we won’t take care of it and not let it grow and bring forth good fruit, it will be taken away from us and given to those who knows how to cherish it. “Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit." We have only one chance in this life and we have to bring forth good fruit and share it with this broken world.
