A beautiful story about a prodigal son and his merciful father. A long but far-reaching story, and we all can learn so much from that story. But there is one important thing that I often miss while meditating on this parable. What I learn from it is that the father is always equally loving and merciful toward all of his children, those who are obedient and follow his will and those who go astray, those whose lives are sinful and complicated as well as those who are faithful. However, we may reject tis fatherly love. See, the father from the story invites to the banquet the son who disappointed him, but in the end was able to ask for forgiveness, and at the same time, the father invites the son who was always obedient but still rejected his father’s invitation. No matter where are you in life today, no matter how sinful or how holy you think you are, you have to be careful not to reject our Father’s invitation. It is easy to become angry, envious and proud, but it is much more difficult and challenging to admit our sinfulness and ask for mercy.
