Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Thomas the apostle. We like to call him the doubting Thomas, since he couldn’t believe His friends who told Him that Jesus is risen. We all remember Thomas’ famous words: “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” And I like Thomas very much, because he reminds me of myself in those moments when my faith is being shaken. I always thought that I must keep a strong faith -- always, no matter what. That in my life there is no room for moments of weakness, moments of doubts. But that is not true! Even Thomas, one of the greatest disciples, a saint, had those moments too. And he wasn’t afraid to admit that in front of others. I am sorry, but I can’t believe in what you are saying. We all have moments of doubts -- nothing wrong with that. Jesus knows how difficult it is to keep strong faith. However, in those moments of weakness, let us not forget to ask Jesus to be with us and help us not to lose that faith completely.
