During the last years of pandemic, we missed a lot of opportunities to be with others. We missed celebrating birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and simple family gatherings on the weekend. Many of you express even now how wonderful it is to be able once again to spend time with your loved ones. Perhaps Covid made us realized how valuable and important that connection with family and friends is. We need each other, we need to stay in touch, we need hugs and handshakes, it makes us feel close and important to others. We need others’ presence, and they need our presence. Even the Blessed Virgin Mary knew this, and so we read today that she traveled a very long distance just to spend some time with her cousin Elizabeth. Not only that she traveled that long and dangerous road, but that she was already pregnant. There were no cars, so she probably mostly walked. She made that sacrifice because she wanted to express her love and care to her relative. She wanted to be with her and maybe help her around the house. Think today about your relatives and friends. Perhaps there is someone who is waiting for your phone call or a visit. Maybe there is someone whom you haven’t talked to for a while, maybe there was an argument between you and your good friend, and you stopped talking to each other. Don’t miss the opportunity to make a reconnection; we need each other in this life.
