Speaking very generally, in our Catholic tradition we have two laws - two kinds of commandments - the commandments given to us by God, and the commandments that were created by our church. So, the commandments that God gave us cannot be changed, cannot be broken under any circumstances. There is no excuse for killing, stealing, cheating, disrespecting God, and so on. However, the commandments and regulations given to us by the church may change, depending on the times, circumstances, or the place. So, for example: fasting on Fridays during Lent. We fast now, but it wasn’t always like that, and maybe this will change in the future. Or the rule of celibacy in our Catholic Church - we practice it today, but it wasn’t always like that, and it may change in the future. So, Jesus reminds us today that the law of God must remain unchanged forever. However, the law given to us by the people, by the church, may change, depending on circumstances. Especially if a person is in great need, that person requires our attention and help, even if that requires our extra work on Sunday. “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry, how he went into the house of God and ate the bread of offering, which neither he nor his companions but only the priests could lawfully eat?”
