We must be very careful not to become like the Pharisees in the Gospel reading today who became angry and even scandalized because Jesus spend time and even ate with tax collectors and sinners. How could He? They don’t deserve any attention, Jesus should surely avoid them, correct them, or maybe even punish them for their sins. It is easy to judge others, especially if we know that someone lives an immoral or sinful life or did something terribly wrong. That person should not be here in church with us and for sure should be refused getting Holy Communion. But didn’t Jesus say: “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.” Being with Jesus and receiving His Body and Blood is not a prize for a good and exemplary life, but it is a medicine for those who needs to be healed. How can the sick be healed if they are refused by their doctor? How can the sinner be forgiven if rejected by us and our Church?
“I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”
