There are so many things in this life that we are surrounded by - things that we trust in and rely on. For example, our relationships with others, our family, friends. We all need them. We need to be loved, and we want to love others. We need to have someone we can trust, talk to, share our feelings with. These things are very important. But there are also material things that we invest in - like homes, cars, clothes, food, books, education, retirement, and so on. But all those things will pass one day. One day each one of us, with no exceptions, will have to leave everything behind. But there is one thing that we should always ‘invest in’ without any risk. Those are the words of God, His teaching, and His guidance. If we listen and follow Jesus’ words, then we will be saved forever. Jesus words do not pass, and they will give us more than anything this world has to offer. Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”