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Writer's pictureFr. Kris

Friday of the Twelfth Week in ordinary Time ‘a’

Sometimes we are left disappointed or even angry at the Lord for not granting us our request. For example, you kept praying for the gift of healing for your relative, but still God took him, and then you may have started doubting whether God even listens to you. I know that I was angry at God many times in my life for the same reasons. I asked for certain things, but He seemed to be silent. When I read this gospel for today, I realized that I should learn how to increase my trust in God and in His will for me. Perhaps, what I think is the best for me in some particular moment of my life, is not what God thinks, and He knows better. To Him, my request might not be that significant or for my good. I often pray and I start with words like -- ‘please God, help me’, ‘God, I ask you to please do this for me, this is really important’. However, I should learn from that humble leper who approach the Lord today and change my wording to - ‘Lord, only if you wish, please do this to me’, ‘Lord if this is your will, please grant my request’ but ONLY if this is according to your will, because you always know what is best for me.

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