Quite often, I use this Gospel reading during the celebration of a wedding. The Scholar of the law asks Jesus which commandment is the greatest. You know the answer -- love your God and love your neighbor. Jesus didn’t say -- love your neighbor and then love your God; rather God should be first. Why? Because only when we are truly able to love God, then that would enable us to love our neighbor. Similarly, in marriage -- if the newly married couple invites God into their homes, into their hearts and their newly created family, then they will always be able to love each other and withstand any tabulations that may come their way. I tell them: Yes, you love each other so much, and you should. However, this is the second commandment, but the first is to love your God. Then you will always be able to share your love with each other and with all people. “The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”
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