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Friday of the Twenty First Week in Ordinary Time ‘b’

Writer's picture: Fr. KrisFr. Kris


Whenever I read this parable about those ten virgins who were awaiting the bridegroom who was delayed, I wonder why those five wise women, who had enough oil for their lamps, did not share with those who needed more. Shouldn’t we share what we have? Yes, we should share with those in need. However, there are certain things that we can’t share. These are our good deeds done during our life here. Through this parable Jesus reminds us that when the time comes to welcome our Savior, there will be those of us who collected more than enough good deeds and unfortunately those who didn’t have enough or even any. And only those who have enough ‘oil’ will be welcomed by the Lord. Even if you want to, you can’t give any of your good deeds to others. So, here is the warning: we must live a good, holy and exemplary life, but also constantly remind others to make sure that they have enough ‘oil’ for their lamps. 

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