If He only wanted to, Jesus would answer all our questions and doubts. We all at times have doubts regarding our faith, regarding what will happen after we die, and if God really exists. Especially when we face a tragedy in life, then we may have doubts, and we question God’s existence. So, why doesn’t Jesus explain to us everything? Why won’t He appear to us and tell us clearly why and how, and when? I simply think that Jesus wants us to have faith and to believe. But He also wants us to be able to think. Just like those chief priests and the elders of the people from the Gospel reading today -- they expected a clear answer from Jesus, but instead of answering them, Jesus challenges them and asks them a question. When we have doubts, we shouldn’t expect clear answers from God. Instead we should ask Him for strong faith, and we should try and find the answers in our Church teachings, in the scriptures, and in the Holy Sacraments.
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