What is shocking to me in the Gospel reading today is that when this poor blind man was screaming: Jesus, Jesus, come over me, help me! The people walking with Jesus were telling this poor man to be quiet. But after Jesus got his attention and brought his sight back and he could see again, the people were in awe and were praising God. Doesn’t this make us feel that sometimes we take ownership of God. We, good people, church going people, people who pray often, receive sacraments. Jesus is ‘ours’ we may sometimes scream! Everyone else be quiet, you don’t belong here! This Gospel message is a good reminder, at least for me, that Jesus came to everyone, to holy people and to sinners, to those who are well and those who need His help. And if there is a sinner that is healed and can see again, then all of us should be in awe; we should be joyful and praise our God.