I am blessed that I live in the time when and in a place where I can believe in what I want, that I can practice my faith and openly speak about Jesus, openly attend masses, and receive the sacraments. It is easy for me to follow Jesus and think that I would offer my life for Him, but would I? Because when I think about this, I am not sure what I would do if I lived in a place where Christianity is persecuted, where my life and the life of our family is at risk because I believe in Jesus, because I am Christian. Not sure what would I do if I had to face the choice
-- to deny my faith or to die. Today Jesus is telling us: “Do you believe now? Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone.” Yes, it is easy to believe where and when I am allowed to be Christian, but much more difficult where and when Christianity is persecuted and Christians are being killed. Would I too leave Jesus alone?