I am sure you went to Mass in many different churches, and you have heard many sermons preached by various priests and deacons. Some of them are interesting, inspiring, provoking, make you think, make you go and want to bring the Good News to others. But we all know that some are not such great homilists -- their homilies are boring, too long, or hard to understand. We priests and deacons are all different. We have different styles of preaching. Some of us are gifted with that skill of powerful preaching, but some of us struggle. However, we can’t ever forget that our preachers are human beings, and we are only instruments in God’s hands. We are only an addition to what is happening during the Mass we celebrate because there is something much greater than us presiders. God is there; He is always present in the Holy Eucharist. No matter what priest celebrates the Mass, even by that wonderful priest that you love so much, or by the one that you don’t care for at all, don’t ever get discouraged. There is something much greater than the preacher here -- Jesus Christ with His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. “At the judgment the queen of the south will arise with this generation and condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and there is something greater than Solomon here."
