“When Jesus looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins.” Then Jesus said to His disciples that the poor woman put in more than the rest. Of course, she didn’t put in more money than those rich contributors. However, Jesus used this example to teach His disciples a very important lesson - it is not about giving, it is about caring. The poor widow gave all she had, maybe not much, but all she had, to support the temple, the House of God. She did that because she cared. Those rich people who were throwing into the treasury large sums, they didn’t care, they only gave. They gave whatever extra money they had. “For those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” You may not have much money, you may struggle financially, but this doesn’t excuse you from caring for your church, for your parish, and for your community. Just like that poor woman, you may not give much, but you can offer all you have - your presence, your time, your talents, your prayer, your love. It is not about giving; it is about caring.