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  • Writer's pictureFr. Kris

Monday of the Twenty Second Week in Ordinary Time ‘b’


Jesus came back to His native place and after He read the passage from the prophet Isiah, He said to His listeners: “’Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.’ And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth.” For me the most interesting thing is that right after their being amazed with Jesus, the same people wanted to kill Him. So, Jesus had to leave His hometown. I think I know what happened - as long as Jesus was telling them what they wanted to hear, they were very happy, satisfied and applauded Him. But when Jesus pointed out their sins and called them to repentance, they couldn’t stand it. They became so angry that they wanted to kill their friend and neighbor. Jesus is always honest and will always tell you the truth, even if that truth is hurtful. There are people even today who want to hear only that Jesus is loving and always forgiving. However, they can’t accept it when He tells them that they must convert, that the way they live their life is morally wrong, that what they do is sinful and hurts other people, and that not everything is OK for Jesus and his teaching. Jesus is loving and always forgiving, but He will also always tell you the truth.

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