I know this may sound strange, but sometimes I think that it is actually good to be a sinner because then you have a better chance to meet Jesus and His mercy. Yes, of course, we should do everything we can in order to avoid any occasion to sin and to live good and moral lives following God’s commandments. However, Jesus teaches us today that: “those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” I need to admit that for me, this is probably the most meaningful passage from the Gospel. Gives me so much hope and encouragement. Because there was a time when I used to believe that Jesus was only ‘a prize’ for my wellbeing. That I only deserved Jesus and could receive Him in the Eucharist when I had no sins, when I behaved well and followed all the commandments. Today, once again, Jesus reminds us that He loves us no matter how big of a sinner we are, and that we deserve Him always. He will be there to stay with us and forgive us our mistakes. Maybe that’s why we are all sinners; maybe it is good to be one of them…
