We usually don’t like those who seek honors and high positions. This may happen in many different areas in life -- at a place of work, at schools, in politics, in the military, and even in the church. There are some priests who would do anything in order to be noticed, recognized, and placed in a high position, for example being a bishop. It is good to have high aspirations, but it is not OK to slip into pride -- that I am better than anyone else and I deserve that position. As I mentioned earlier, we all know people like that, people that sometimes have no dignity of their own, and simply chase after higher positions. And how embarrassing it usually is for them when they end up not being recognized for their efforts, but instead the recognition goes to a person that was humble and didn’t ask for anything. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” If you are humble in life, then Jesus says -- you will be exalted.
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