Once a year each pastor of the Archdiocese meets with his Ordinary, with his bishop. During this meeting the bishop asks about the parish, about the strengths and challenges. He wants to know what kind of projects we have done or are planning to do. If there is a school the bishop would ask about the enrolment and financial situation, and some other important things regarding the parish. But at the end of his visit, my bishop asks me some personal questions, like: how is your family, do you visit them, did you take time for a vacation last year, did you find time for a personal retreat, and do I meet with my spiritual director? He asks this because he knows that we all need some personal time away from our busy daily tasks because otherwise we will burn out quickly. We need to go away and ‘recharge our batteries’, so we can come back well rested, with a new energy to serve God and His people. Even Jesus’s disciples needed to take time away from their busy ministry. Jesus ordered them: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” We all need a break; we all need time for ourselves and time to spend with God.
