Last year I took two weeks of vacation to do a little camping in a beautiful mountain area of Wyoming. For a few days I stayed in Grand Teton National Park. The views were breathtaking, the weather was beautiful, and each morning when I got up, I was able to look at the mountains. God is great, I thought, He made this beautiful world. And now we can all enjoy it. I knew that soon I would need to get ready to go back home, but I would rather have stayed there forever. I felt like I was just so close to God – a foretaste of heaven. I think that we all are blessed with moments like that, moments when we feel a close presence of God. It may be in the mountains, or in front of the ocean. It may happen in a quiet moment of private adoration or during Sunday Mass. We feel the presence of God, and we want to stay there. However, we know that we need to go back to our ordinary daily routines. But those moments help us to keep going and to keep our faith. This is exactly what Peter, James, and John experienced on the mount of Transfiguration, a real presence of God. No wonder they wanted to stay there. We need to go back too. But one day we will taste heaven for all eternity.
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