When you come to Mass, you come to receive the Holy Eucharist. And as we all know, the Eucharist is the Sacred Body of Jesus Christ. Through this sacrament, the Lord comes to us, we consume Him, and we become Holy, because He is now one with us. However, we should never stop there because from that moment we receive God in Holy Communion, we are called to bring Him to others, especially to those who are lost, who don’t know Him, who are too busy with their lives. We are called to fill up the world around us with the joy that the Blessed Virgin Mary shared with those around her when she was filled with God. “Mary set out in those daysand traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.” Mary didn’t keep Jesus only to herself. She knew that Jesus must be shared with the world, and that we must bring Him to others and share the joy of knowing Him.
