„On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and the people there were observing him carefully.” Why would they observe Jesus so carefully? It is simply because they wanted to catch the Son of Man doing something wrong, breaking a law, blaspheming, or something else that would give them the right to accuse Him and maybe to prove that He is not the Messiah that they were awaiting. However, Jesus knew that they observed Him and used every opportunity to teach them something -- in this case, it was a lesson about humility. Today there are also those who observe Jesus carefully -- those who study the religions, science, history, and would use their knowledge to try to prove that Jesus didn’t exist, or that He was only an historical figure, but not God’s Son. Today’s gospel reading reminds me that there are many that know about Jesus, learn about Him, know the gospels by heart, and observe Him carefully, but for two different reasons: there will be those who do it to prove that this man is not Christ, and those who observe Him carefully to learn from Him, learn about Him, deepen their faith, and follow His example. You and I are called to observe Jesus carefully but for that second reason -- to love Him more and follow Him.
