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Writer's pictureFr. Kris

Saturday of the Twenty Eighth Week in Ordinary Time ‘b’


Here in the United States, we are approaching a presidential election. It is always a very important time for a country while it is choosing a new leader. That’s why we need to ask God to provide us with wise, courageous and faithful leaders. We have the freedom to choose and voice our opinion about certain candidates. That’s why you can see almost everywhere signs or flags with the names of these various candidates. Or you see houses with signs in the front yard that say – we vote for that person; we support that person. And when I see those signs, I am thinking how wonderful it would be to see signs in front of these houses that would say things like - ‘I love Jesus Christ’ or ‘May God bless you’ or ‘Jesus is my Savior’. You don’t see those signs too often. It is because many of us would rather ‘scream loudly’ about the candidate for president that they support, instead of proclaiming their love and faith in Jesus Christ. “I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before others the Son of Man will acknowledge before the angels of God.”

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