I was fortunate to be born in the same town where one of our great saints was born. I was actually baptized in the same church that Saint John Paul II was baptized. So, when someone asks me where I am from and I say that I am from Wadowice, occasionally I would hear the answer like -- Wow, that’s awesome, you are so lucky. But am I? Does the fact that I was born there make me a better person, make me a saint like John Paul II? Of course not. We all must earn it no matter where we are from, what language we speak, what color of skin we have, or whom we know. We become holy by loving God and neighbor, by listening of the word of God and implementing it into our lives. See, someone in the gospel today says to Jesus: “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.” However, Jesus’ quick reply was: “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Again, for Jesus, we become blessed not only by knowing Him and calling ourselves Christians, but we also become holy and blessed by hearing the word of God and observing it.
