We all know this story -- the story of the multiplication of bread and fish by Jesus. By His miracle, Jesus was able to satisfy the hunger of five thousand people! However, in this gospel reading there are two things that catch my attention in particular. First, we read that before distributing the food “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining”, and then after all ate, He ordered them to “gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted.” This reminds me once again that the food that is on my table is a gift from God. It reminds me that there are still people that are less fortunate than I am, and they go hungry or even starve. Finally, what Jesus did remind me of is that I must always be thankful to God for the food He provides and make sure not to waste any of His gifts, not to waste the food that I have. Yet I’m guilty of not always thanking God, and I am guilty of wasting the food because I bought too much, cooked too much, or ordered too much. Let us always thank God for the food we have and try not to waste any of His gifts.