Throughout the year we have many celebrations and memorials of different saints. Those are the saints that were recognized by the church for their heroic sacrifices for Christ and for the faith, and their names were placed in the liturgical calendar. Today we have a feast day of ALL SAINTS. But what does this mean? It means that we are thankful to God today for the example of all the saints, not only those who have been recognized by the church but even those whose names are not mentioned in the liturgical calendar. I had the privilege to meet and to talk to Saint John Paul II, and for many years I thought to myself -- Wow, I met the saint, how great this is. However, most of us have also met a saintly person. Not necessarily a saint pope, bishop, martyr, abbot, virgin, and not a Holy Mother. But you may have known someone who is now among all those saints because of their holy and humble way of living. That may be your mom, dad, grandparent, a child, or a friend. Today we celebrate the solemnity of ALL the saints, also those whose names are forgotten. Be thankful for all the saints, especially those who have had a great impact on your life. All the holy saints of God -- pray for us. “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.”
