“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” On the feast of the Ascension of our Lord, we read that before going back to His Father, Jesus leaves His disciples with a simple instruction: go everywhere and talk about me, spread the good news. We all give some instructions or are being instructed by various people, our boss, husband, wife, child, parent. My mom used to write notes and leave them on the table, and when I got back from school, I would read: go buy groceries, pick up the jacket from the cleaner, or clean up the kitchen. Sometimes it is easier to receive specific instructions instead of guessing what others expect from us. Jesus doesn’t want us to keep guessing, so He gives us a very specific instruction -- go to the whole world, not only to people you are most comfortable with, but to everyone, and talk about me, spread the good news, continue my work while I am away. We just need to make sure that we read and follow His instructions.
