We all want to be safe, so we try protecting ourselves. We lock our homes, we buy camera systems, alarms, and we carefully choose the places we are visiting. Nobody wants to be hurt. And this is nothing new because it was always like that. We created kingdoms, built castles, set up an army system, and invested in all kinds of things that would make us feel safer. However, when God sent His only Son here to us, He didn’t give Him a castle, He didn’t give Him an army of the strongest soldiers for protection. He could have, but He didn’t. But in order to protect His son, God gave Him a Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was there from the beginning to the end to protect God’s Son. Today, when we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, we are reminded that all the security systems that we have will fail. However, our Heavenly Mother will never abandon us, just like she never abandoned her Son. Let us never forget that she is also our Mother.
