Some time ago I received a phone call. It was a woman who asked me to come over to visit her elderly, homebound mom and bring her Holy Communion and the sacrament of anointing. Her mother was in her 90’s, and when I talked to her, she told me that she had a good life, that God blessed her with good health and a wonderful family and friends. She also said that she tried to live as a good person, following God’s commandments by loving Him and her neighbors. She said that her prayer now is that she be taken from this world because she is ready to go. What a blessing, I thought- what a blessing it is for a person to be so peacefully ready to depart from this world. Most of us would try to do anything in order to cling to this life, but she was so ready. Just like Simeon from the Gospel reading today who prayed: “Lord, now let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled.” We all need to pray for an increase of our faith that after this life, we will still believe that there is so much more to come. We also need to ask God to give us a grace of being ready to meet Him.
