The Eucharist is an important event- it should be the most important event in every person’s lives. During that event, that simple bread is being transformed into real Body of Jesus and that simple wine is being transformed into the real Blood of Jesus. Unbelievable! Something so simple, yet so difficult to comprehend. We will never grasp this mystery by our mind, we can only believe in it. So, when we come to mass to celebrate the Eucharist, we not only should prepare the church, set up the altar, prepare the bread and wine, make sure we have a proper reading for that liturgy, but each one of us should prepare ourselves for receiving Jesus. We all get excited and prepared before going on dreamed vacations, or when we get tickets to the game or concert. In the same way, we should get excited and prepared for the Eucharist- this is much more important event than any other event in our lives. “The disciples then went off, entered the city, and found it just as he had told them; and they prepared the Passover.”
