Today we are presented with one of the most beautiful prayers -- it is called the Magnificat and was proclaimed by the Blessed Virgin Mary after the Angel Gabriel announced to her that she was chosen to bring God into this world. If you read the Magnificat, you will notice that it is a prayer filled with joy, hope, and gratitude for all of God’s blessings, not only those which she has received, but in which all of us have shared - all humanity. And we all know that because Mary became the Mother of God, her life was never the same. It became a life filled with worries and challenges. First, her husband Joseph wanted to leave her, then she had to abandon her hometown to protect her child giving birth in a stable, then constantly worrying about her son until witnessing His terrible passion and death on the cross. Mary’s life was more difficult than that of most of us, yet she never complained. Instead, she was always praising God and she was always grateful to Him. There is so much we can learn from the Blessed Virgin Mary, but especially to be thankful to our God -- “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”
