Christmas season is behind us, and we are getting ready for the season of Lent. However, I often go back to our recent Christmas Masses and celebrations. What positively surprised me was the number of people that came to church to be close to Jesus last December. For Christmas at our church, we had many Masses to choose from and all of them were either packed or well attended. So many came to pray, to worship, to be close to Jesus, and to receive Him in the Holy Eucharist. This reminded me about the situation from the gospel reading today when so many came to listen to Jesus, to touch Him, to receive a healing grace from Him. There were so many people that “He told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, so that they would not crush him.” In a similar way, Jesus is with us, ready to welcome us, to heal, to listen, and to talk to us. We shouldn’t wait till Christmas (or any Holy Days) to be with Him. We should come to Him as often as possible.