“I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” OK, you may say, but why when I asked the Lord to heal my sick mother, He didn’t do it? Or I prayed for peace every day and it seems like, instead of peace, there is hatred and war everywhere. I too ask myself the same questions, and I think I am beginning to understand what Jesus is trying to tell us today. When He said, “ask you will receive”, He never specified what you would receive. He may not grant you exactly what you are asking for, but you may receive much more, but unaware about that now. And maybe you prayed for your sick parent and asked for healing, but instead of healing their physical body, God healed their soul. Maybe you prayed for peace, and you don’t see the results. Instead of the peace of this world, God blessed you with an inner love and peace that you can now share with others. Today Jesus tells us not to get discouraged in our prayers just because we don’t see the results right away. Instead keep asking and you will receive -- maybe not exactly what you are requesting, but you will receive much more.
