After some Pharisees tried to test Jesus and asked Him whether it was lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not? “Jesus said to them, ‘Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.’” We all pay taxes. We need to pay what we owe -- our mortgage, credit card bills, internet, phone bills, and so on. You know that if you miss your bill by even one day, then an extra fee will be applied, or they will cut off your TV, phone, or internet. Simply saying to these companies -- we repay to Caesar what belong to Caesar – and that’s enough, well, I am OK with that - to a point. However, Jesus also said -- repay to God what belongs to God. We often forget about how important that part is. How do we repay God? We repay Him by our good deeds done for others, by our prayers, by participation in the holy sacraments, and by giving a good example of life, i.e., following God’s commandments. We all know that we must ‘repay Cesar’, but we can’t forget that we also must repay God for all the blessings and graces we have received from Him.
