Perhaps you have lost someone you loved recently. Maybe they were the only close person to you, and now he or she is gone, and you feel lonely, left behind, grieving. Or perhaps you are ill, homebound and your family visits you only occasionally, and you are alone almost each day. We are blessed when we have a wonderful, large, and loving family. However, some families are broken, don’t speak to each other, hold grudges, and stop visiting each other. For those of you who feel lonely or abandoned Jesus address these words: “For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” What does that mean? It simply means that as Christians our family is not only limited to our relatives, but we are enriched with multiple brothers and sisters, people who pray for you, who visit, who call, bring you a meal, a good word and a smile. Perhaps you feel lonely and abandoned today. If so, maybe try to contact your church and ask for a brother or sister in Christ who would visit, bring Holy Communion, and talk with you.
