There is a very popular Polish idiom, which goes like this: “jak trwoga to do Boga”, which we can translate as “When in fear, God is near.” This idiom is very accurate and reminds me of those good and bad moments in my life. Because often, when everything in life goes well and according to our plans (we have a good stable job, a beautiful and healthy family), then we tend to forget about God or even don’t believe in Him. We know He is there, but we don’t really need Him. However, when something very difficult comes our way, when we struggle with illness, loss of our job, a family separation, addictions, or the death of a loved one, then we seek God’s help. We wake Him up, just like the disciples in that boat tossed by the waves: “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” We need to remember that God is always with us. He is there when everything goes well and when things get challenging. Jesus is always present in our boat, not only when we need Him.
