If you own something that has great value for you, you will make sure that that thing is well protected, well taken care of. Perhaps you have inherited a wedding ring after your parents passed away, or a beautiful painting that was given to you by someone special a long time ago. Or you simply bought that dream car for which you were saving your money over many, many years. There are things we have that have great value for us and can’t be replaced and which money can’t replace them if lost. You won’t give that thing to someone who doesn’t see any value in it and doesn’t appreciate the meaning of it, does not know the story behind it. Often, I would talk to a disappointed person after mentioning that only a Catholic person can receive Holy Communion in our church. Why Father? they would ask. Jesus is for everybody. By excluding others from Communion, we exclude them from our community. However, we need to remember that, for us Catholics, the greatest treasure we have is the Holy Eucharist. We believe that this is Jesus Himself, we want to keep it safe, protect it, and receive it knowing that this is the food that will give us eternal life. So, if someone does not believe in this, or does not know what it is, then it does not have any value for him or her. It is better if they do not take it. Just like you wouldn’t give your treasure to someone who does not know the true value of it. Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces.”
