I like this question of Peter that is found in today’s gospel reading, Peter asked Jesus: “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?” It sounds like -- Lord, what am I going to get for being your disciple? How will you repay me for following you? I often think that some of those who are looking for honors in our Church have similar questions in mind. What would I gain for being a priest, or a bishop? what would I get in exchange for my service - a comfortable life, popularity, maybe some financial gain? And unfortunately, some of those who dedicated their lives to the service of Jesus, forgot that they were supposed to become humble servants. Rather, they try to gain something for themselves. Jesus reminds us today that if we become His servants and continue His mission on earth, we will receive a reward, a great reward, but not in this life. We will receive life eternal. “Everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more and will inherit eternal life.”
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