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Writer's pictureFr. Kris

Tuesday of the Twenty Ninth Week in Ordinary Time ‘b’


Whatever job or task we perform, we need to take a break at times. You can’t work all the time; there must be a time for rest. However, at times we become lazy and begin to procrastinate about getting back to our responsibilities. It may happen after the weekend, or after a long vacation. But even then, we know that we must get back to work - time to go back to work, we would say. I think with our spiritual lives it is very similar. At times we become lazy in fulfilling God’s will in our lives, but we know that we can’t live like that. We must go back to our spiritual work, perhaps start with confession, go back to mass regularly, be nice to others, pray more, help those in need. Maybe you feel that way now that you are away from God, and that you need to make some changes and progress. Maybe you feel that it is time to go back to work? “Jesus said to his disciples: Gird your loins and light your lamp.” Gird your loins during Jesus' time meant – tighten your belt. When people were wearing long robes, it was difficult to move or to run. So, to gird your loins meant that you tucked in the long robe and tightened your belt so that you were prepared for some physical activity. We must ‘gird our loins’; we must go back to work!

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