In our tradition Sunday is a day which should be dedicated to our God, then to our family and to ourselves. We are so busy during the week that we may not find enough time for a prayer, or for some quality time with our family and friends, and maybe not even for ourselves. This is why we are asked to put on aside unnecessary work on Sunday and focus on God and other people. Some of us take this very seriously and do not perform any work, but many of us forget about this. It is very interesting what we read in the gospel today. Jesus asks: “Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?” See, we might be too concerned about not breaking the law and will avoid any work on Sundays. However, Jesus wants us to go deeper and not to worry so much about doing laundry on Sunday or washing the dishes or cooking a dinner. Rather we should think about some other person whom I may have hurt, or about whom I usually gossip, or maybe about a relative that I don’t talk to anymore, or about my neighbor whom I don’t care for. Sunday is dedicated to God and to other people, so we should use that day to fix our relationships and pray for others. Sunday is for doing good -- not evil.