The healing process can be very long and may come with different stages, or it can happen very quickly, like overnight. All depends on the type of illness. You may wonder why Jesus with His power didn’t cure the blind man immediately, saying for example something like – ‘open your eyes’ and that’s it. He could have done that. He has done that before. However, this miracle in the gospel reading today took some time. First, the blind man is invited to follow Jesus outside the village; then putting spittle on the blind man’s eyes, Jesus asked: “do you see anything?” The man said that he begins to see something but not clear enough, and so Jesus repeats the process until that man can see clearly. Interesting, isn’t? I believe that Jesus did this to teach us an important lesson -- conversion is a process, being able to see clearly takes time and effort on our part too. If we want God’s healing, we need to cooperate with His grace and do our part too. If we do that, we will begin to see the fruits of our conversion. At first, they may not be very clear or sure, but then we will enjoy our full vision and our conversion.