Whenever I travel, I always pack too many things and then when I return home, I realize that most of the clothes I brought with me, I didn’t use. In the gospel for today, we hear that Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and send them on a mission to evangelize others. Then He said to them: “take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic.” Jesus wants them to travel light and not to worry about too many things. What they have is just enough. But this is not so much about extra clothes, money and other equipment. I believe that Jesus wants His disciples not to make any excuses that they may not be ready to evangelize others. There are still people who think that this mission of Jesus is entrusted only to those who studied theology, those who were ordained priests or bishops, or to nuns and religious - but not to me. That’s not true. Jesus tells us today that we, all who are baptized, we are already well ‘equipped’ in order to go and to bring Jesus to others. We don’t need anything else. We don’t need to pack too much - we have just enough. No more excuses.
