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Wednesday of the Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time ‘b’

Writer's picture: Fr. KrisFr. Kris



So, who is the greatest in Heaven? This was the question that the disciples asked Jesus. And Jesus surprised them with His answer, saying: “I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.” Even though you might dedicate your whole life to God, or you can memorize all the verses in the bible, you can become a great theologian, you can be a pope, you can go to church every day and say all the prayers frequently - but if you don’t become humble like that child and if you don’t have trust like that child, then you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If you want to go to heaven, first learn how to be a child of God.

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