One of the first things that Jesus commended to those who came to His empty tomb was – go to the disciple, go to the others, and tell them that I am alive. Tell them about the resurrection. We live in a very difficult time. Each day we witness some terrible things happening in the world and in our communities. People live in fear. Most of the news that we hear each day is sad news, and we tend to spread that news with others. However, today Jesus wants us to share the best news ever, and this is the same news He asked His friends to pass on right after He left that tomb -- that there is nothing to worry about, there is no final death, there is resurrection! It is true that this world is filled with so much bad news, but we Christians are called to bring to this world the joy and happiness that come from the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead and promised the same resurrection to each one of us. Let us be joyful, let us infect others with this same joy.