John the Baptist and Herod - two totally different people – were two extremes. We today are either like John the Baptist or Herod. How? John was the man of courage and of faith and a man of truth. He wasn’t afraid to call to repentance a man who had the power to kill him (and he did). For John the Baptist, the truth and a moral life were more important than his own life. But Herod was just the opposite. He didn’t want to kill John the Baptist; he was afraid of that great prophet. He had the opportunity to save John the Baptist. However, he was too afraid to admit that he made a mistake. He was too afraid to change his mind and change his promise made to his daughter. Two totally different men - one who always spoke the truth even when he knew he would lose his life for that: and the other one, who was too weak and too afraid to admit that he made a mistake and should have done what was right. Today, when we celebrate the memorial of the martyrdom of John the Baptist, we should think: am I more like the Baptist or more like Herod?