Such comforting words we hear in the Gospel reading for today. And it is good to hear them, especially today when we remember in a special way all of our faithful departed. “Jesus said to the crowds: Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me.” Jesus reminds us today that he will not reject anyone, but there is one condition -- He says: “everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.” We need to believe that Jesus is real and that He is constantly present in the sacraments, in the bible, and in another person. And sometimes we do have doubts, and those who have gone before us had doubts too. But today we are reminded that we need to pray for them. That’s why the Church gave us this day for the commemoration of our faithful departed because they still need our prayers. One day we will need the prayers of others. So, let us pray today for all of them that, even though they may have had doubts and sins, according to His promise, Jesus will not reject anyone of us.
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