Today’s Gospel parables remind me about the sinner who was hanging on the cross next to Jesus. We don’t know much about his story, but he was hanging on the cross for some kind of crime that he committed. He probably wasn’t a good man and most likely his life wasn’t a holy life, but Jesus promised him paradise- “today, you will be with me in Paradise.” A perfect example of a repentant sinner. Jesus was accused by the Pharisees of associating with sinners, eating with them, visiting with them. We are tempted to avoid ‘bad’ people, those who make fun of us, of our beliefs, of our Church or even of our God. But look at Jesus today. He is showing us that maybe we shouldn’t be avoiding these people, but rather trying to embrace them, showing them our love and respect. Who knows? maybe we will be the ones who helped them to repent. “I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”