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  • Writer's pictureFr. Kris

Wednesday of the 1 week of Advent ‘c’

Almost a week ago, we celebrated our Thanksgiving Day. A day of family gathering and of great food. I had my family and some friends come over and we had a great time. There is always way too much food, and so there were leftovers that I asked all of my guests to take with them. I don’t like any food to be wasted -- that was always the way I was taught by my parents, to appreciate what I have and never throw away any food. And today, I see this same advice coming from today’s Gospel reading. After a miracle of multiplication of the bread and fish that Jesus performed and then fed thousands of people, he asked His disciples to make sure that nothing got wasted. So: “They picked up the fragments left over–seven baskets full.” The gospel doesn’t tell us what they did with those seven baskets of leftovers, but I think they used them to feed the hungry. Today I am being reminded again, that the food that I have is always a generous gift from God, and I should never waste it.

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©2024 by Rev. Kris Janczak

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