The mission of spreading the Good News and teaching about Jesus Christ is not only reserved to the priest, deacons, and religious. Every baptized member of the Church is called to do that. We have different rules, different vocations, and different functions. However, we all must take care of our Church and make sure that it grows and becomes holy. In the gospel for today we read that “The Apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Yes, evangelization can become tiring. That’s why Jesus encourages His disciples to take a break, to rest, and not only that, but He encourages them to spend time alone with God, praying, meditating, and listening to God’s speak, and preparing themselves for continuing that important mission. In order to be successful in our mission of evangelization, we too must find time for rest, meditation, reading the scripture, praying, and listening to God speaking to us. We too are invited to go away by ourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.
Fr. Kris